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Thank you for taking the time to check out my little photography site. I have been a photographer for years, but now I find myself working in a library. It sounds strange, yes, but what I am doing is helping create digital archives. Makes more sense now. Right? On this site I'll share with you images, and stories about the people, places and memories that go along with these images. I hope you enjoy the time you spend here.


Bright Eyes

So I've completely lost track of where I am in my little project, and it really doesn't matter to me. I'm probably the only one keeping track anyhow.

I came across this image of Ms. B when getting ready to clear off some flash cards. Something about it just spoke to me.

bright eyes


Henry the Happy Baby!

On my first pass through the images from this session, I came to this one, and I smiled and laughed out loud. Seriously, how could one not be happy looking at this face?


catching up 12/52

Yeah I know it looks like I'm going backwards, but not really, I'm just playing catch up on my Project 52. That's the great thing about making up your own rules, you can change them when ever you want. ☺

I took this SUNday, when I noticed my first tulip of the season in bloom.



Happy SUNday

What week is it? --13/52 ?

Yeah, I know I kind of dropped the ball a bit on the Project 52. Truth be told, two weeks ago it felt as if Spring had finally arrived. Then in a blink of an eye the weather turned grey, cold and rainy. It left me feeling blah, and uninspired. I'll also admit that my day to day life has been pretty caught up in keeping the little dog on the road to recovery. (By the way she's doing really well but that's another story.)

So here it is two weeks later, and the weather seems to have turned itself around. Today, I spent much of the day working outside in the yard, enjoying a very Sunny Sunday.


Happy SUNday

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